Terry Gibbons

Terry riding Georgette the mule at Tour Israel April 2018
Terry Gibbons from Michigan USA, Join us for the Tour Israel of April. Terry is co owned Nelson ranch- over 120 horses farm, he is very experience horseman (and great man as well)
Terry wrote a face book dairy that he share every day with his friends in the US.
“Yair has the metabolism of an 18 year old, the stamina of a 25 year old and the knowledge and wisdom of an 80 year old. He leaves nothing to chance with every last detail planned out.
And when slight problems do come up he’s quick to fix everything and get back on his timetable. He’s also very friendly and quite humorous. He knows how to tell a story and kept all of us spellbound with his in depth knowledge of his country and its history.
Last but certainly not least, his horses are wonderful….and so are Uri’s mules… and his people and friends are just as outstanding!”